

We work with high-quality materials and reliable partners. This guarantees excellent quality control, so that all articles are tested and published in the Netherlands. If it was not suitable, we used to have a bit of inner life under the guarantee of an unserene Kundendienst.

Please note that Pedigrim Technologies has a 2-year repair guarantee from purchase date on material and repair defects. This Repair Guarantee will not be damaged by any damage caused. The guarantee takes into account the functionality and ease of work. Not due to the warranty being canceled due to damage caused by damage due to unsatisfactory use. We take care of the problems with the batteries as well as the Kratzer and Glass Bruch von der Garantie ausgenommen. Innerhalb der Garantiefrist were Manufacturers’ money cost free of our purchases.

So it was not possible to repair the signal, but we would also like to have a compatible model. Eine Haftung für Neben- und Folgeschäden ist ausgeschlossen.

Die Gewährleistung entfällt, wenn a Dritter ohne vorherige schriftliche Zustimmung von PEDIGRIM Reparaturen or other Work of the Product vornimmt.

If a more generous warranty period could be obtained, these refundable costs were borne by us. If you do not have a warranty, you will not have to pay any additional costs for your expenses.

Im Garantiefall please contact us via: service@pedigrim@com